Every year there is a garden show in Tull on(?) the Danube an this year I was there too. I expected a lot of flowers but it was more of a fair and they had a lot of other things from poolcovers to cleaning rags. In the first hall I saw this wonderful Christmas Tree and I had to take a picture, it is not very good (too dark inside) but you can see that it is snowing from it`s tip. The tree is standing in an upturned umbrella, so that the snow doesn`t fall to the ground. Maybe we will see his brothers in the Chrismas time as a decoration somewhere?
The show`s motto was Films and Musicals and the flower arrangements were inspired by well known movies and musicals. The arrangements were great, the pictures aren`t, it was too dark inside!
Zyklamen zeigen, dass es auch auf unseren Fensterbänken bald Herbst wird, daneben Astern in verschiedenen Farben.
Cyclamens show that it is fall even on our windowsills, right beside them are asters in various colours.
Bis bald
Michi :)
There have been a lot of visitors and I have heard that the show was a great success. I liked it very much and it was a nice trip and I didn`t buy any "almost self cleaning rags" even though they were a very secial price. It was hard but I remained steadfast!
Hallo Michi,
AntwortenLöschenVor Jahren war ich auch in Tulln auf der Gartenbaumesse, die Blumenarragements haben mich schon fasziniert, aber auch ich musste keine Putztücher kaufen -
liebe Grüße
Liebe Michi,
AntwortenLöschenja, Geschmäcker sind eben verschieden, dabei denke ich an den Christbaum. Aber allein die Farbenpracht der Blumen war doch diesen Besuch wert.
Alles Liebe
Hi! Der Weihnachtsbaum ist genial. Ich werde also nie einen solchen kaufen, zu kitschig für mich, aber soll auch gestehen, dass die Idee sehr gut ist.